We will take you on a walk in our ecosystem made of pastures and woods, the home of our animals.

You will touch a real wild farm where animals live in the territory and are an integral part of it.
We will guide you inside the estate to see both Maremmana cattle and Cinta Senese pig farms up close, talking about the strong link with our agriculture.
Each season sees our animals in different places on the farm, learn about natural cycles by observing with your own eyes.
During the visit you will learn about all the most important aspects of our sustainable breeding: animal welfare, biodiversity, animal diet, births and many other aspects.

At the end we will return to our shop where you can see the fruit of the work seen during the visit thus closing a real path from field to table.


Visit to our wild breeding of Maremmana cattle and Cinta Senese pigs

LENGTH: about 4 km

DURATION: about 2 hours

TIMETABLE: Wednesday at 5.00 pm – Sunday at 10.30 am

WHAT TO BRING: Comfortable clothing, and a water bottle

NUMBER OF PEOPLE: Minimum 2 – max 15 pax

External guests € 20.00
Farmhouse guests 15.00 € – 8 € children

LANGUAGES: Italian and English

INFO AND RESERVATION: o +39 334 629 6798

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