Tenuta di Paganico is not just a simple farm, but has always been a breeding ground for ideas. Thanks to the creation of a network between our company, other similar entities in the area, and various research institutions, some of our visions are gradually taking shape, giving us all new stimuli, opening doors, and offering technical possibilities that were previously unattainable. Thus, we decided to create a space dedicated to the various project activities, inserting this page on our website, where you can find, along with the description of the different activities, a large part of the materials produced. Wishing you a pleasant read, we remain, as always, available for any clarification you may require regarding everything we are carrying out.
Gender Equality Plan
- There gender balance at Tenuta di Paganico Soc. Agr. SpA is at high standard, with 48% female employee (4.2023).
- At hiring persons, gender euqality will be considered to improve even more the gender balance in leadership and decision-making.
- Sex and/or gender disaggregated data on personnel will be kept in bookkeeping of the institution and updated in regular interval (at least annual).
- Awareness of gender equality will be raised by regular talk with the employee as well as encouraging to take trainings.
- Work-life balance of the employee will be taken care.
- A contact person exist for consulting to prevent and solve against gender-based violence, including sexual harassment (CEO Maria Novella Uzielli).
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